Everest Erratic
Part of the exhibition “Desire: A Revision from the 20th Century to the Digital Age”
21 September 2019 – 22 March 2020
Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin
Everest Erratic, 2019, Carrara Marble [detail]
Everest Erratic, 2019, Carrara Marble

An exact replica of Mount Everest is carved on top of a large block of Carrara marble. The highest peak on our planet is reduced to a miniature scale. An erratic is a geological term for a rock that has moved due to glacial action. When the ice melts boulders become stranded in new territory. The mountains surrounding Carrara are famous for white marble from which Michelangelo carved his David. Carrara marble formed on the ocean floor, rising up over millennia to form the mountains surrounding the small town. Everest Erratic was carved in the wonderful Laboratori Artistici Nicoli, Carrara.
List of works (click to expand)
Everest Erratic, 2019, Carrara Marble, 172 x 136 x 243 cm